Dem Political Adviser Pushes Trump ‘Staged Shooting’ to Media

Dem Political Adviser Pushes Trump 'Staged Shooting' to Media

Dimitri Mehlhorn, the top political adviser to Democratic megadonor Reid Hoffman, pushed reporters to consider Saturday’s attempted assassination on Donald Trump as “encouraged and maybe even staged,” according to a leaked email, Semafor reports.

In the email sent to journalists at 7:34 p.m. Saturday, just over an hour after Trump was shot onstage during his campaign rally Pennsylvania, Mehlhorn flagged what he called a “possibility” that “feels horrific and alien and absurd in America, but is quite common globally.”

That “possibility,” he wrote, is that “this ‘shooting’ was encouraged and maybe even staged so Trump could get the photos and benefit from the backlash.”

“This is a classic Russian tactic, such as when [Russian President Vladimir] Putin killed 300 civilians in 1999 and blamed it on terrorists to ride the backlash to winning power,” Mehlhorn continues. “Others who have embraced this tactic of committing raw evil and then benefitting from the backlash include Hamas on October 7. If any Trump officials encouraged or knew of this attack, that is morally horrific, and Republicans of decency must demand that Trump step down as unfit.”

This is not the first of Hoffman-linked efforts to disseminate left-leaning narratives.

In 2021, Hoffman backed Courier Newsroom, a corporation that aims to “tackle disinformation by funding openly partisan newsrooms,” Axios reported. George Soros is another financial backer of Courier.

Semafor also reported that Mehlhorn, Hoffman’s top adviser, previously said on a private conference call: “Reid and I have invested nine figures of our own money to prevent Trump from getting back into office.”

Puck News reports that Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn, recently joked at the Allen & Co. conference for tech entrepreneurs that he wishes he made Trump “an actual martyr.”

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About the Author

Tony Beasley
Tony Beasley writes for the Local News, US and the World Section of ANH.